Services for Albuquerque, Santa Fe, & New Mexico

OCD & anxiety

OCD and anxiety are the main focus of my work. I am an OCD therapist who understands the condition from the inside out.


Although OCD is my main specialty, I also work with the full range of anxiety disorders and anxiety-related conditions.


I use Exposure and Response Preventation (ERP) as the centerpiece of my treatment of OCD and anxiety. This is an evidence-based approach that is considered a gold-standard treatment.

I also integrate Acceptance and Commitment Therapy as well as Existential Therapy into my treatment of OCD and anxiety.


OCD was once referred to as the “doubting disease.”

Healing from OCD and anxiety centers around changing our relationship to doubt and uncertainty.

Instead of pushing away these states, we learn to tolerate and even embrace them as sources of meaning and insight.


“Anxiety is the dizziness of freedom.” ~Kierkegaard

“Doubt is a form of radical faith. The only way we can remain faithful to the mystery of mystery is to preserve ambiguity. Certainty is the enemy of truth.”
~James Hollis

Grief & loss

Loss is a frequent occurrence on the human journey. I guide clients through the grief experience so they can heal and grow.


Grief and loss are often lurk beneath the surface of our lives, crying out for attention. I help clients access their grief, feel it fully, and move toward healing.

Common grief experiences I work with include the loss of relationships, life roles, and identities as well as loss associated with aging, illness, retirement, environmental destruction, and life transitions.


Healing from grief and loss requires patience and a willingness to feel our pain.

My work with grief centers around active rituals that help transform suffering into acceptance.


Grief and loss can be overwhelming. Understandably, we tend to retreat from these experiences, resulting in a heaviness of heart that can linger on for months, years, or even decades.

By opening fully to our grief, we can  transform this difficult human experience into a source of meaning and inspiration.


“Contrary to our fears, grief is suffused with life-force…. It is not a state of deadness or emotional flatness. Grief is alive, wild, untamed and cannot be domesticated…It is truly an emotion that rises from the soul.”
~Francis Weller

“Loss, grief and betrayal are not just dismal places we must unwillingly visit, they are integral to the maturation of consciousness. They are as much a part of the journey as the places where we feel respite and would tarry. The great rhythm of gain and loss is outside of our control; what remains within our control is the attitude of willingness to find in even the bitterest losses what remains to be lived.” ~James Hollis


I help people bring their best self to relationships while honoring their individuality.


I work with both individuals and couples on relationship challenges.

Common issues include conflict and communication concerns, intimacy and sexuality, and tension arising from changing values, goals, or priorities.


Our beliefs and behaviors about relationships are strongly shaped by our early experiences.

Given this, an attachment-informed approach is pivotal to breaking unhelpful patterns and achieving fulfilling relationships.

I use Sue Johnson’s Emotionally Focused Therapy (EFT) and Ellyn Bader’s Developmental Model in my relationship-focused work with individuals and couples.


People often come to relationships expecting them to deliver a continual source of pleasure, fulfillment, or completion. When that doesn’t happen, unhappiness can ensue.

The way out of this common pitfall is to accept that relationships can’t rescue us from the work we need to do as individuals.

Once we accept this, we can learn to thrive in relationships by using them as a source of meaning and growth.


“The only way of knowing a person is to love them without hope.”
~Walter Benjamin

“I hold this to be the highest task of a bond between two people: that each should stand guard over the solitude of the other.”

“[Humankind’s] awesome scientific advances into the infinitude of space as well as the infinitude of sub-atomic particles seems most likely to lead to the total destruction of our world unless we can make great advances in understanding and dealing with interpersonal and intergroup relationships.”
~Carl Rogers

Getting started

Psychotherapy is an effective way to invite meaningful change into your life.

Take the first step by expressing your interest below.

I will reach out to learn more about your situation, explain how I work, and answer any questions you have.

I’m always happy to have this conversation and it in no way obligates you to become my client.

What is your current availability?

I do not currently have any open spots, but I’m accepting prospective clients for inclusion on my waiting list, assuming I’m a good fit.

How do I know if we're a good fit?

I understand the importance of finding a therapist who’s right for you. Once you express an interest, we can talk by phone so you can assess if you want to go forward.

I welcome the opportunity to answer your questions and give you more information about what therapy with me looks like.

What are your fees?

I charge $125 per 55-minute session.

Do you accept insurance?

I do not take insurance, but I am happy to provide superbills so you can file for out-of-network benefits.

How long are therapy sessions?

Therapy sessions run for 55 minutes. I typically see clients once weekly, but I also see some clients more or less frequently depending on their needs and preferences.

Do you offer online (telehealth) sessions?

I offer both in-person and online (telehealth) sessions for clients located in New Mexico.

For in-person sessions, I see clients at my office at Castleberry & Associates in Albuquerque, New Mexico at 2800 San Mateo Blvd NE, Suite 100.

Get in touch





Castleberry & Associates
2800 San Mateo Blvd. NE, Suite 100, Albuquerque, New Mexico 87110